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Thomas Elementary

Reaching New Heights Together

Latest News (Posts from PSq)

Post Feed Display Options

Below are examples of each display option available in the Post Feed component. When deciding on which view you want to use, don’t forget to preview how it looks on BOTH desktop and mobile. 

Balanced Boxes

Recommended image dimensions: 600 x 400. But any image size works, and all images align for a neat a tidy appearance. A blurred version of the image will be added to the background for images that do not meet a 3:2 aspect ratio. Recommend showing 4 or 8 posts.

January 7, 2025

5th Grade Band Concert

Please join us as we gather to enjoy our 5th Grade Band Concert. Where: Lincoln Elementary School, Multi-Purpose Room, 555 Lighthouse Rd. When: Friday, Jan. 31 at 6pm. Get ready for the biggest concer. . .

November 18, 2024

Winter Band Concert

Attentionall parents, students, staff, and community members! You are invited to the Thomas Elementary School auditorium for a night of music on May 27 at 7pm. The theme will be Seasonal Sensations . . . .

ParentSquare Rows

Similar to the ParentSquare RSS Widget. The most compact option, meaning you can fit a lot of stories in a small amount of space. Accent images are the smallest with this view. Recommend showing even number of posts.

Floating Boxes

Allows images to maintain their original proportions. Has more of a “freeform” look with varying heights, if images are different sizes. But if all images are the same proportions, such as square, this option can also appear balanced, without gray sidebars. Recommend showing 4 or 8 posts.

January 7, 2025

5th Grade Band Concert

Please join us as we gather to enjoy our 5th Grade Band Concert. Where: Lincoln Elementary School, Multi-Purpose Room, 555 Lighthouse Rd. When: Friday, Jan. 31 at 6pm. Get ready for the biggest concer. . .

November 18, 2024

Winter Band Concert

Attentionall parents, students, staff, and community members! You are invited to the Thomas Elementary School auditorium for a night of music on May 27 at 7pm. The theme will be Seasonal Sensations . . . .


The largest option available. Images are free to display in their original proportions. 

Compact View

No teaser text, and a horizontal sliding carousel appears if set to display more than 4 posts, and more than 4 posts are available. Recommend showing the max of 10 posts.